Application Source
The Application Source is a unique high intensity light source designed specifically for atomic absorption spectroscopy and is configured to provide line spectra for specific applications such as –
- Environmental
- Stainless Steel
- Petrochemical
- Steel
- Mining
- Alloys
- Base Metals
- Clinical Alkali Earths
- Soil
- Food & Beverage
- Plant
- Clinical trace toxic
- Special (Customized version)
In addition the Application Source can be configured to meet application-specific requirements. Analytical performance for each element in the Application Source is equivalent to single element hollow cathode lamps and at a fraction of the cost. For further information, please contact us.
Partition Graphite Furnace Tube
Now available for the SavantAA Z enduro (Zeeman Effect) Atomic Absorption Spectrometer range. These tubes will allow single alliquote of up to 100ul without the risk of excess spreading in the tube allowing improved sensitivity. Additionally as spread is “standardised” by the partions built into the tube, improved %RSDs can be achieved for larger volume sample injections. Part Number is 45-0021-00