ICP-OES software brings together nearly two decades of ICP development and the expressed needs of a world-wide user-base in a Windows®-based package which provides complete instrument control (over 200 parameters), true multi-tasking capabilities, powerful graphics tools, exhaustive wavelength library, and a range of automated facilities to make the operation of your ICP straightforward.
Set up method files using the familiar interface of the Periodic Table, detailed lists of available wavelengths and potential interferents, and sensible groupings of parameters in an intuitive Notebook format.
Monitor instrument performance using any combination of user-specified or default parameters. Specify your own choice of look and feel by displaying them in any combination of bar graphs, analog meters or digital display.
Context-sensitive on-screen help is only a mouse-click away for all software functions. Reports can be generated internally in customisable formats, or exported to third party software for further manipulations, analysis or interface with your LIMS.