High Temperature TOC Analyzer
The FormacsHT Total Organic Carbon high temperature catalytic combustion system features a versatile modular design and excellent performance for the analysis of Total Carbon (TC), Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon (NPOC). This design was developed to conform to the latest customer requirements and allows the determination of TOC in clean waters such as pharmaceutical – and drinking waters but also performing equally well for the analysis of waste, surface, seawater and soil extracts.
The Total Organic Carbon analyzer can be operated as a stand-alone analyzer where sample and standard solutions are introduced directly through a rotary septumless injection port for analysis of TC and TIC. For larger sample numbers an optional random access auto-sampler is available for complete automation of the TOC determination. The auto-sampler is available with different carrousels for vials with different volumes. Sample pre-treatment for NPOC determination is fully controlled by the operation software and can be set in preferred mode by the operator. The instrument has the possibility with a dual needle set-up to acidify and purge the following sample while analyzing the current one, which saves valuable analysis time.
The FormacsHT-I TOC/TN analyzers provide fast, reliable analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total Nitrogen (TN) in liquid samples by direct sample injection in a high temperature catalytic combustion furnace. The units are especially designed for particulate laden samples (suspensions), but can handle the concentration of nitrogen and/or carbon fractions from various other sample matrices.
Total Nitrogen Analyzer
The FormacsTN Analyzer uses the ND25 Total Nitrogen detector for the analysis of Total Nitrogen (TN). Total Nitrogen can be measured in a range from low ppb levels to high ppm levels with high accuracy in a short analysis time using chemiluminescence detection (CLD).
The sample is injected into the high temperature furnace where it is catalytically combusted at 850°C. Oxidative pyrolysis causes the chemically bound nitrogen to be converted to nitric oxide, which is measured by CLD The FormacsTN analyzer also provides a unique cost-effective and safer alternative for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) analysis, by an integrated NN-reactor for the analysis of NO3 + NO2 (NN). The TKN value is determined in two steps, i.e. the analysis of TN and the analysis of NN via chemical reduction, where NO3 and NO2 are reduced to nitric oxide (NO) and detected via CLD detection. The TKN value is obtained automatically by subtraction: TKN = TN – NN. This unique alternative method of TKN analysis results in a very fast analysis time (5 min.), and eliminates the use of hazardous digestion acids.
The FormacsHT Total Organic Carbon analyzer can also combine the automation of TOC, TN and TKN all in one system by extending the system with a Total Nitrogen detector (ND25). For detailed information about the measurement of TOC and TN/TKN please check the FormacsHT and FormacsTN description.
PrimacsMCS Add-on
TOC add-on module for solid samples
The FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon / Total Nitrogen analyzers have now been extended with the new PrimacsMCS add-on module for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis for solid materials such as soil, sediments and sludges. The PrimacsMCS operates in combination with the FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon analyzer (liquid samples), offering an economical concept to environmental laboratories for Total Organic Carbon analysis on aqueous samples as well as solid materials.
The PrimacsMCS is equipped with a dual-oven design, allowing separate analysis of Total Carbon (TC) and Inoragnic Carbon (IC). Total Carbon is determined by catalytic oxidation of the sample at 1100°C, converting the carbon present in the sample to CO2, which is detected by the NDIR detector of the FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon analyzer. Inorganic Carbon is determined by acidification of the sample in the IC reactor, which converts the Inorganic Carbon present to CO2. The Windows based PrimacsMCS software collects the data and calculates the TOC concentration of the sample by substraction ( TC – IC = TOC). The PrimacsMCS analyzes TC, IC and TOC in a range of 100 µg to 40 mg absolute carbon in up to 3 g of sample weight. Due to the automatic low-to-high range switching IR detector of the FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon analyzer, the combination of the FormacsSERIES analyzer with the PrimacsMCS add-on module offers environmental laboratories a powerful tool to analyze TOC from low ppb concentrations in aqueous samples up to % levels in solid materials. The PrimacsMCS conforms to international regulations such as EPA, CEN, ISO, NEN-EN 13137 and US EPA 9060
FormacsHT/TN TOC/TN analyzer is controlled by HTAccess™ V3. This intuitive and flexible software package is used for data acquisition and instrument control. It includes easy to use templates for routine analysis, multi point regression, automatic exclusion of results, recalculation, statistics etc.
Extensive QC protocols are available such as CLP and 21 CFR part 11, which includes password protection and audit trails. Final results can be printed using a user-definable report format or exported to LIMS for further data handling.
- Possibility of opening multiple analysis runs
- All information of a sample in one single view
- Possibility of using Quality samples and creating Quality Control Charts
- Contract Laboratory Protocol (CLP) compliant.
- User definable concentration limits for the different CLP samples and required actions (up to 4)
- Possibility of exporting results during analysis
- Windows 7 compatible
- Remote signal monitoring
Typical Applications
Use it for:
Drinking water |
Cooling water |
Surface water |
Ground water |
Waste water |
Pharmaceuticals |
Industrial control |
Process waters |
Seawater |
and many more |