Then new SIM ICP 6000 is a simultaneous high resolution ICP-OES with wavelength range 120 to 850 nm allowing measurement of even Halogen elements (Cl, Br, I) down to ppb levels.
Dual View – Radial and / or Axial view
Solid State Detector
Rowland Circle Design with linear CCDs
Superior UV performance – upto 1000 times more sensitive compared to Echelle optics ICP-OES
40 MHz free running RF generator which can respond faster to changes in the plasma
Allows direct aspiration of organic and oil samples without the need for oxygen accessories
Ability to run high dissolved solid and slurries
Choice of many more wavelengths compared to Echelle optics ICP-OES
Lower stray light
Plasma Camera for sample viewing
Patented Plasma Integrity Protector (PIP) which significantly lowers occurrence of torch meltdowns