The Milestone UltraWAVE isn’t just an evolution; it’s a revolution—changing how industrial and research laboratories around the world prep samples for analysis. Patented UltraWAVE Single Reaction Chamber (SRC) technology goes beyond traditional closed and open vessel digestion, offering signifcantly greater digestion capabilities for even the most difficult sample types.
High-performance stainless steel construction allows for higher pressures and temperatures,while disposable vessels eliminate the need to assemble, disassemble or clean between processing. Just as important, dissimilar samples can be processed simultaneously, saving time and money.
Design I Technology I Vessels I Benefits I Software I Industries
Improved workflow
At least 2X the throughput
No batching required
Lower operating costs
At the hearth of the UltraWAVE is a Teflon-lined 1 liter stainless steel reaction chamber, which serves both as a microwave cavity and a reaction vessel.
Samples are weighed into vials, and suitable reagents are added. Vials are placed in a rack, which is automatically lowered into the reaction chamber. The chamber is sealed and pre-pressurized with inert gas, which physically acts as a cap for the vials, avoiding boiling of the solutions and preventing cross contamination. At the completion of the microwave run, a built-in cooling device rapidly lowers the temperature.
Digestion Sequence.

Step 1
Sample rack is lowered automatically into microwave chamber
Step 2
Chamber clamp is secured by the operator
Step 3
Chamber is pre-pressurized with inert gas to prevent sample boiling
Step 4
Microwave energy is applied.
All samples under same temperature and pressure
Step 5
Very fast cooling step due to water cooling of chamber
Step 6
Clamp is released and sample rack automatically rises from chamber
Improved Workflow.
A thick acrylic shield surrounds the work area, which lowers into position automatically as the chamber is closed.
The PID controller monitors pressure, digestion and chamber temperature 20 times/sec, adjusting microwave power to control even highly exothermic reactions.
Fast Cooling
At the completion of the microwave run, the UltraWAVE built-in water cooling device enables the temperature to lower from 270°C to 80°C in just 12 minutes.
Once the system reach the set cooling temperature, automatically releases the pressure from all the vials simultaneously.
Low operating costs
No vessel assembly is required, vessel cleaning is eliminated with disposable glass vials, and method development is virtually eliminated. There are also major savings on consumables costs. Racks from 4 to 22 positions are available with vials made of quartz, PTFE/TFM or disposable glass vials, in order to match blanks level.
Any combination of sample types can be digested simultaneously. Any type of acids can be used.The UltraWAVE operates up to 199 bar pressure and 300°C. Unlike all conventional microwave digestion systems, every sample is under direct temperature and pressure and temperature control- no needs to rely on a reference vessel or to an indirect control such as infrared temperature sensors.This assures complete control of the digestion process in every sample.
All sample types are digested at the same temperature and pressure even with different acid mixtures and volumes.
Moreover the UltraWAVE thanks to the Automatic Gas Module further improves the lab throughput.
With Milestone UltraWAVE we offer a number of racks with variations that are designed to fit your application best.
The UltraWAVE is operated via a compact control terminal with easy-to-read, bright, full-color, touch- screen display.
Hundreds of applications, including all US EPA methods, are preloaded in the UltraWAVE terminal.
The terminal is provided with multiple USB and RS-232 ports for direct printout of microwave methods and runs, and for interfacing the instrument to external peripherals.
The terminal runs the Milestone’s unique multi-language EasyCONTROL software, to provide simple, user-friendly control of the microwave sample preparation process. Simply recall a factory-stored method or create a new one; press ‘START’ and the system will automatically follow the user defined temperature or pressure profile, utilizing a sophisticated PID algorithm to regulate the microwave power.
The testing of foods, along with related products such as nutraceuticals, is one of the fastest growing areas of analytical measurement.With greater emphasis on food quality and safety, today’s labs are required to measure more analytes, at lower levels.
Petrochemical industry covers a wide range of sample types – both organic (fuels, oils, polymers) and inorganic samples such as catalysts. Labs supporting the petrochemical industry need to measure a wider range of analytes in a very wide range of sample matrices. With greater emphasis than ever before on fast sample turnaround, labs need instrumentation that can optimize the analytical workflow, at all points from sample prep through to final result.t.
In-house or contract labs supporting the cosmetic industry need to measure a range of analytes, including mercury in a very wide range of sample matrices.
At Milestone, we recognize the challenges faced by testing labs supporting the cosmetic industry and strive to deliver instruments that improve analytical data quality, while reducing the time to final result.
Whether you are working with rocks, quartz, or other difficult inorganic materials, Milestone provides you with the right synthesis or digestion labstation together with the suitable accessories that enable to boost your performances.
Today’s environmental testing labs are under greater pressure than ever to deliver accurate results, at lower reporting limits, while driving increases in productivity to keep up in an extremely competitive environment.
At Milestone we strive to produce products that help labs become more efficient and therefore more competitive.
The requirement for the testing of pharmaceutical samples – excipients, intermediates and final products – has been growing in recent years, and will continue to grow, particularly in the measurement of trace metals, which has been driven by the pending update of USP methods from old wet chemical methods to ICP-OES and ICP-MS.
Testing of biomedical samples such as body fluids (urine, serum, whole blood) and hair in toxicology labs and contract clinical testing labs is an important area of analytical measurement.
Milestone helps labs become more efficient and productive. Our products are extremely easy to use, built to the highest quality and safety specifications to give many years of excellent service, and low lifetime operating costs.
Polymer-related industries covers a very wide range of applications based on composition and nature of the polymer, which are critical to the manufacturing of the end product. Labs supporting the polymer industry need accurate and precise analytical data from a very wide range of sample matrices.
Whatever the polymer is that your laboratory will be involved, Milestone can provide the proper analytical solution, including DMA-80.